Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ogreweed Day

Today marks the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of the artist and author Edward Gorey. As it happens, I can pinpoint my first encounter with Gorey's work quite exactly. It was June 1974, I was graduating from high school, and two friends and I went to a local stationery and book store in search of a collective teacher present for a woman who was not only a favorite teacher but also the mother of three friends of ours. (As it happens, I would later work in the same store, but that was several years in the future and another story.) We spotted an oversize book with an inscrutable title — Amphigorey — and upon opening it found a collection of amusing, vaguely Victorian drawings, mostly in black and white, accompanying a series of tales and rhymes, sometimes droll, sometimes sinister, but generally both. The book included an assortment of relatively clean limericks (some in French), an abecedarium cataloguing various horrible deaths suffered by small children, a poem narrating the abduction and ritual sacrifice of one Millicent Frastley at the hands of giant insects, a wordless, enigmatic story set in the west wing of an enormous mansion, and on and on. I at least had never encountered anything like it, nor had I heard of its creator. We bought the book and presented it, and as far as I know it was a success.

I didn't know at the time that Edward Gorey was a well-known figure in the book trade, that his slim individual volumes were avidly collected, and that he had illustrated children's books and created paperback book cover art for Anchor Books in its heyday. In time I would learn all that and come to keep an eye out for his distinctive style whenever I was browsing at a book sale or in a library. I saw him in the flesh at least twice, once browsing in the old Gotham Book Mart, with which he was closely associated, and once striding impassively up lower Fifth Avenue in his familiar fur coat, being cajoled by a young woman who was apparently assigned to capture him for a photo shoot. His theatre designs, his opening sequence for the old PBS Mystery! series, and his illustrations for Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats would eventually bring him at least a modest bit of renown, but I don't think he cared much for any of that. He died in 2000 and his house on Cape Cod is now a museum dedicated to his work.

There isn't much, outside of Mexico perhaps, that can compare with Gorey for innocent delight in the macabre. There's no sadism in his work, but neither is there any tolerance for sentimentality or piousness. (Nor does he smirk.) If the Beastly Baby meets a beastly end (he explodes), that's only as it should be, and even the ghastly fate of inoffensive Millicent Frastley is more satisfying than disturbing. I don't think anyone who can appreciate Edward Gorey can ever be capable of real harm.

Every winter, when the nights get long, I break out a jigsaw puzzle of his book cover art. The silly title of this piece, by the way, is my feeble tribute to Gorey's fondness for anagrams of his name. I have, for instance, a little flip-book autographed by "Dogear Wryde."


Michael Leddy said...

Many years ago we went to a Gorey exhibit above the Gotham Book Mart (I think the door said "James Joyce Society.") Our son (maybe ten, and a fan) might have been the youngest visitor. No Gorey on the premises though.

Trivia: I just read that it was Gorey who tipped John Ashbery off to The Seventh Victim, which Ashbery wrote was his favorite Val Lewton production.

Tororo said...

Oh, the thrill of remembering a first encounter with Gorey's work!
I can remember mine exactly as well. As I forgot to celebrate Ogreweed Day (did I oversleep yesterday?) I feel I will have to write about this.