Burrows are a refuge from predators, a safe home for raising young, or a tool to ambush prey. Burrows also protect animals against all types of natural disasters: fires, droughts, storms, meteorites, global warmings―and coolings. On a grander scale, the first animal burrows transformed the chemistry of the planet itself many millions of years earlier, altering whole ecosystems. Many animal lineages alive now―including our own―only survived a cataclysmic meteorite strike 65 million years ago because they went underground.The Evolution Underground: Burrows, Bunkers, and the Marvelous Subterranean World Beneath Our Feet
Arthur Crudup:
This made my day.
But what’s he singing: "class card"? “plaid card?” And is it necessary to have one before going below?
It's "class card," but I think that deserves a follow-up post. Stay tuned!
Will do!
Just remembered Bascomb Lamar Lunsford: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ICXYMjgmG88
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