Thursday, September 26, 2024

Findings (1)

Description of Item: Cash register receipt, La Fabrique de Bagel de Montréal
Origin and Date of Item (if known): Montreal, Canada, August 8, 2024, 9:58 AM
Where and When Found: Portsmouth, New Hampshire, September 2024
Circumstances of Finding: Tucked into a library book (Edward P. Jones: The Known World)
Condition of Item: Slightly wrinkled; no evidence of folding or food stains

Analysis: Given that the item is unfolded and of no evident value, it was probably placed in the book at the time of issuance and used as a bookmark. Since the book belongs to a US library it (the book) has therefore crossed the US-Canada border twice. We interpret "sdw dejeuner" as meaning "breakfast sandwich." Two drinks, a sandwich, and a bagel were purchased, so there were probably two patrons traveling together, perhaps a Portsmouth couple on vacation. Only one of the "carrés assortis" was purchased.

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