Sunday, December 05, 2010

Out with the Old (2010)

The second annual retrospective of the year's postings at this address.

The Frogs' Discovery

When the Money Was Gone

The Assault of the Roly-Rogues

Up in the Downs

Written & Printed And Bound

Corinne West & Kelly Joe Phelps: "Amelia"

Found in translation (Mark Strand)

Bad Guys

Conrad at Anchor

Things Gone & Things Still Here


Cortázar: All Fires the Fire

From a Green World (Kayano Shigeru)


Of empires and dreams


Looking back, I wish I had been able to do more with ephemera and manuscript materials this year, or at least with printed books that aren't readily obtainable, but I seem to have picked all the low-hanging fruit in that regard and must venture further afield (i.e., out of the house). There is, of course, a virtually inexhaustible amount of material to be mined on the web now, some of which could benefit from fresh attention and presentation, but the fact is that there are people out there who have more time and energy to devote to it, and who are already doing a better job of sifting it than I could do.

As to the tales, sketches, and other original writing in which I've indulged in the last twelve months, I'm in general happier with the shorter pieces than the longer, but I'm content to set the latter down as experiments that, while perhaps not ultimately successful, served their purpose at the time and at least provided me some amusement while I was writing them.

If all goes according to plan I'll be taking a breather for the rest of December and will be back, hopefully with fresh inspiration, after the first of the year.


Lorraine Blasor said...

I have just discovered your blog and what
a visual treat it is, with all those beautiful
book covers accompanying the text....truly

Chris said...

Thanks, Lorraine. Glad you stopped by.